
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank you”, it will be enough.

  If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank you”, it will be enough.🙏🙏🙏 My heartiest sense of gratitude to all my patients who have been my inspiration, my readers who inspired me to continue writing with their positive feedback and the team of editors who helped me put across my words at the end of the series of 52 articles. As we are approaching the end of 2021, the year has many stories to tell – stories of consequential moments of the year. People left jobs while organizations began returning to offices. If 2020 was ''unprecedented,'' then this year was a roller coaster ride. As we look back, 19th March 2020 - We started facing a global health crisis like one never seen before. COVID-19 was killing people, as well as attacking the real economy at its core – trade, supply chains, businesses, and jobs.  Entire countries and cities were in lockdown.  Borders were closing.  Companies were struggling to stay in business and families were ...

Am I Responsible for My Aging Parents and My Grown Up Kids?

  Am I Responsible for My Aging Parents and My Grown Up Kids? The idea that life is circular has been around for a long time. From the changing seasons to birth and death, life is an unending cycle. Throughout the centuries, people have found innumerable ways to represent this concept. We humans are bound to it just as firmly. As we get older, so do our parents and other loved ones. We take care of parents while nurturing our kids, they grow up looking at how we mindfully deal with our responsibilities Nearly half of adults in their 30s and 40s have a parent 60 or older and are either raising a young child or financially supporting a child. According to the Research about 1 in 7 is financially supporting both an aging parent and a child.  The dual role to play at some point in life. And it’s a challenge sandwich generation has to face.   There could be constant juggling of thoughts Am I being loving and attentive enough?  Are my children becoming spoiled?...

How having a controlling parent can leach into adulthood.

          How having a controlling parent can leach into adulthood. Parenting is no easy feat, and different parents have different parenting styles  But in the case of controlling parents, also referred to as authoritarian or helicopter parents, sometimes their overbearing nature can result in difficulties for the child that don't simply end once they grow up but continue to affect their behaviour and impact psychologically. The researchers said the study cannot prove cause and effect. But it does add to evidence that "Authoritarian" parenting may end up doing kids more harm than good. Setting rules and structure for Family is a good thing. The problem seems to come when parents try to dictate what their children do, not only through rules, but also through manipulation. Here are some signs of a controlling parent   1.  Interfering & criticizing in nearly every aspect of the child's life. One of the tell-tale signs of a controlling ...

Challenges on the way of New Generation & Framework for Positive Youth Development

  Challenges on the way of New Generation  &  Framework for Positive Youth Development It is easy to look at today’s generation of teenagers and say they are pampered, oversensitive, and have a sense of entitlement. In some ways that criticism is accurate, but I think it is time to pause for a reality check. If I were given a choice  of being a teenager now or thirty years ago, I would take thirty years ago without a second thought  During the mid-1980s, adolescent upbringing was focused largely on development and behavior, their physical growth and mannerism as per the family culture. Little attention was paid to the settings in which children lived. Today, there is too much importance on the surroundings in which a child is growing up. And developing core values has taken step behind. Adolescents are in constant pressure of proving themselves best at each stage of life. Data says youth unemployment is more than 13%  today , the cost of higher ...

Guiding Teens and Young Adults in Developing Healthy Romantic Relationships

  Guiding Teens and Young Adults in Developing Healthy Romantic Relationships I sn’t it getting more & more difficult to find the right partner for the newer generation ? If it is arranged, the rate of separation is rising. The so called smart and intelligent GenX generation fears making lifetime commitment. Divorce rates are increasing across the world. Lawyers, therapists and academician’s world over are perplexed and have started discussing and analysing this problem, to get a clearer understanding of the factors feeding into this break-up boom.   Statistics says that around 40% of most recent marriages are ending up in a divorce. These numbers tend to make us very sceptical about the idea of getting married.   Every other day we read about some celebrity couple or someone known in our circle getting engaged or married and before you know everything starts falling apart and a supposedly perfect couple unveils into two different uncompromising individuals. Alt...

This Generation is becoming more intelligent and less wise

  This Generation is becoming more intelligent  and less wise The smartphone in your hand enables you to record a video ,  edit it and  send it around the world. With your phone, you can navigate in cities, buy a car, track your vital signs and accomplish thousands of other tasks. Each of those activities used to demand learning specific skills and acquiring the necessary resources to do them. A study in young adults aged 19–32 years revealed that people with higher social media use were more than three times as likely to feel socially isolated than those who did not use social media as often. Studies have shown that  increased use of devices leads to reduced quality time among family members, and increased parent-child conflicts.  People are probably better at figuring out complex cell phones and other technological innovations than they would have been at the turn of the 20th Century. But in terms of our behaviour as a society, higher IQs have not broug...