What Is A Reason for Generation Gap?


What Is A Reason for Generation Gap?

While we just recently completed the first wave of corona pandemic and are currently struggling with a much severe second wave, if I look back to the last year, it makes me think as if God has just copy & pasted the year, it all seems like déjà vu. Family members of different age groups in every household are once again spending maximum time with each other, thanks to the lockdowns forced upon them. It sometimes makes me wonder how they are coping with these forced interactions in such close proximity.

 Change is inevitable. Change of a generation is also inevitable. However, the pandemic & lockdowns & stay at home has fast tracked and magnified the generation gap significantly.

What could be the reasons for generation gap?

Firstly, most parents spend too little time communicating with and listening to their children, even though they love them very much. This is due to their heavy workload and inevitable stress faced at the workplace. Parents may not be well aware of what difficulties their children are facing.

Secondly, parents may want absolute control over their children. Accordingly, parents have a lot of concern for their children’s academic performance at school instead of paying attention to their favourite interests and hobbies. They seem to be little birds trapped in a very small cage. As a result, children always believe that their parents are against their opinions all the time. They try to keep everything secretive and do not tell their parents when they encounter any problems.

Thirdly, there is a vast difference in the behavioural patterns adopted by the two generations and in certain families three generations. Most parents put up a straight face and do not show their feelings when they talk to their children. Furthermore, they scold their children frequently or even give them physical punishment. Children believe that they are grown-ups, and it is high time for them to be independent. This helps them to gain more self-esteem. Therefore, both parents and children do not see things from the standpoints of each other.  This results in misunderstandings and is the root cause for the creation of generation gap.

Here are a few tips to help bridge the generation gap between parents and their children:

1. Keep an Open Mind

With the change in society and globalisation, things have changed. Values have changed as well as norms have changed. The way that kids think is different from how parents do. Keeping an open mind and not assuming that they must be just like you were at their age is very important. It is also important to understand the child’s perspective. It’s true for all the generations

2. Communicate

Taking out time to communicate with your kids without bias, is very important. The simple act of talking about each other’s daily activities at the end of the day, can help you get to know better and make it easier to speak freely with each other. Children need to feel comfortable to approach their parents with anything. This in turn will give parents peace of mind, since they do not need to worry about their children hiding things that could be really important. Having a parent who listens as well, instead of only talks and lectures, will give your child more encouragement to listen to you in return.

 3. Unconditional Love

Love has a way of crossing boundaries and bringing people together if shown the right way. So, show your children how much you love them. This unconditional love and support that they get from you is very encouraging and makes children more inclined to reciprocate that same love and understanding back.

4. Compromise

People can disagree on things, no matter how close to each other they are. Grand Parents, Parents and children are no different; however, rather than forcing them into your way of thinking or forcing them to do what you want them to do, especially when they do not want to, learn to compromise when possible. There are times when you have to put your foot down with your children, but sometimes coming to a compromise instead of dictating their every move will bring them closer to you and make that generation gap a little smaller.

Remember that it is important to understand that they have their own thoughts and opinions too and being patient and loving will help significantly in closing the generation gap.


Dr. Mona Shah

Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist.


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