
Showing posts from March, 2021

Addiction to Social Media and Gaming

                              Addiction to Social Media and Gaming Social networking websites have made our lives significantly easier when it comes to keeping in touch with those we care about even if they happen to live across the world from us. Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and a dozen of other apps and websites with the elements of social interaction, are used every single day by children and parents alike. However, when the use of these social networking sites interferes with a person's perception of reality and his or her attitude towards everyday activities and real-life communication, it is time to address the issue. While social media addiction can happen to anyone, there is no doubt that children are especially prone to developing this problem. According to reports, almost 92% of the teens from the age of 13 to 17 are online regularly and 75% out of all have internet access on their digital cell phones...

Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These Things

   Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These Things   Any good parent wants their kids to stay out of trouble, do well in school, and go on to do awesome things as adults, and while there is not a set recipe for raising successful children, psychology research has pointed to a handful of factors that predict success. Unsurprisingly, much of it comes down to the parents. Here is what parents of successful kids have in common: 1] They have healthy relationships with each other. Children in high-conflict families, whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along.  According to study of Illinois study review   They make sure Mom is happy There's some credence to the phrase "Happy wife, happy life." It turns out that all outcomes were more linked with the mother's initial happiness, compared with the father's. Studies have found children in non - conflictual single parent families fare better than children in confl...

We can teach Teens to respect Female.

         We can teach Teens to respect Female. 8th March International Women’s Day was celebrated throughout the country. I feel that the fact we need to celebrate a day dedicated to women clearly shows that we are still not a society that champions equality. And its right time to teach our kids to respect all the women   As mothers there are things we can do, some simple steps to make that change. If we call ourselves a generation of empowered women and informed mothers, surely the least we can do is to ensure our sons are not the ones responsible for a woman's discomfort at any level in the future . All women cannot be mothers, but those that are deserve the most respect out of anybody that walks the earth.  " A simple first step is to sensitize  children that Housework is work too and needs to be valued and respected just like any other work, and both boys and girls should be involved equally. Mothers need to wipe out gender stereotypes c...

Does over indulgence harms child’s resilience?

  Does over indulgence harms child’s resilience? Parenting styles can vary greatly, but they all have an impact on children’s development and behavior. Over indulgence and / or pampering comes in many forms. For example, finishing your teen's science project, paying them to do their homework, fulfilling all the demands before required and protecting your child from failure by rescuing them from their academic and personal challenges are all signs of concerning behavior.   Research shows that doing these things in excess hinders our kids' social and emotional development. Let’s define what we mean by "Avoid Pampering." We are NOT talking about love, affection and connection. Giving  hugs  is not pampering. Giving  compliment  is not pampering.  Validating feelings  is not pampering. Pampering is doing things for our children that they are perfectly capable of doing for themselves. Parents make a mistake when they pamper in the name ...