Timely Help.. You are Unique in the Eyes of GOD
God grant me
the serenity
to accept the things,
I cannpot change,
courage to change
the thing I can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference
-Reinhold Niebuhr
Early Intervention programme can detect children's disabilities at a younger age,
when they can be helped to adapt easily.
But there is almost no awareness about these...
Have you ever thought why my child behaves like this...?
Why is that child is very uncomfertable inspite of said normal scenario ?
It could be Sensory Processing Disorder.
Whistling of pressure cooker, or loud music at a party or dog barking can cause an extreme
reaction …
Hair cutting or Nail cutting is discomforting for the child.
Highly sensitive towards smell in the surrounding and makes him/ her uncomfortable.
Not responding to your command.
Not sitting at one place or not able to concentrate.
Difficulty in reading, writing or copying from the board.
Constantly complaining of getting tired or leg pain
Clumsiness, bumping into things or people and as a parent your reaction will be can’t you see?
Very picky eaters or difficulty in chewing food
I think this is the most perfect question to ask ourselves if we are concerned about our child’s
Sensory Integration occurs automatically in most people and so we tend to take it for granted-
just how we take our heartbeat and digestion for granted. Sensory Integration is the organization
of sensation for everyday use. Imagine peeling and eating of orange. You sense the orange
through your eyes, nose, mouth, the skin on your hands and fingers and also the muscles and
joints inside your fingers.
Sensory Processing Disorder is a neurological condition where the brain and nervous system
have trouble processing or integrating these stimulus
Timely Help –For Invisible Disability
Early intervention programs can detect children’s disabilities / challenges at a
younger age, when they can be helped to adapt easily. But there is almost no awareness about
these or in certain cases there is no acceptance. We are always more concerned about any
visible disabilities like if the child has any visual difficulties or has issues with auditory
processing or Hearing, has any speech defect /delay, is unable to walk, but certain disabilities
need an expert evaluation and parental co-operation.
Early intervention is defined as the introduction of planned programming deliberately timed and
arranged in order to alter the anticipated course of development. The program can be employed
as a means to improve social adjustment and the academic achievement of a child as per his/ her capability.
It helps parents to not invite future behavioural problems which might occur due to the
inability to adjust in the environment naturally.
Early intervention takes place between 0-6 years of age.
Brain development is at peak between the ages of two to five years of age.
Children can grasp more quickly at this age; it can improve child’s wellbeing to a larger extent and learning becomes more comfortable.
A simple way to remove fear is to seek knowledge and understanding about difficulty your child is facing
Early intervention for this purpose should ideally consists of developmental paediatrician,
Occupational therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech therapist and Psychologist.
A variety of conditions from multiple disabilities, hearing and vision impairment, cerebral palsy
and learning disabilities can be improved with early intervention. Parents are the one who
usually notice first that my child has some kind of difficulty, but we also warn parents of
unnecessary fears, as all children develop at their own pace but timely intervention is the key ..
Dr. Mona Shah
Very informative blog 👍
ReplyDeleteWonderfully presented, Kudos to Anshu Centre for such good work!!
ReplyDeleteWonderfully presented, Kudos to Anshu Centre for such good work!!
ReplyDeleteVery well presented and yes early intervention does help.