NEW NORMAL FOR KIDS

Fear of Infection is at PEAK.Day in and out we have been guided how to take care of ourselves and not get infected, But its time we look into  the lives of  our young kids and identify their anxiety . Children cannot understand why everyone around  is always wearing a  mask? Why  they are not getting admired ??  why parents are so stressed , why they are not allowed to go out of the house? and  much more. These are few unanswered questions that are constantly running inside their young minds.

We  are all very concerned about our own issues, But believe me as a senior occupational Therapist – When a parent approached me  who was very tensed and helpless and narrated a story, I was shocked. Eight year old constantly threatening them that she/he is going to run away from the house or will jump from the window or  will cut her/his hand If they don't  take her /him out. Any kind of outburst  would errupt whenever her/his  wish is not fulfilled.

I strongly recommend following NEW NORMAL- For our young ones. Time has come to address it or we will have to face bigger issues..

1) TOUCH ("Hugs cement the parent-child bond")

Hugging each other was so normal few months ago. We didn't need to give it a second thought.A young child needs a lot of different sensory stimulation everyday .The nurturing touch of a hug helps  establish trust and a sense of safety in them Which is why we definitely recommend a daily dose of closeness.

2) SMILE (let the smile not be hidden)

It really struck us how much harder we have to work to convey tenderness and warmth behind the mask.Children are not made for social distancing.  All this is direct oppositional to thier social, emotional and developmental needs The great tension between safety  guidelines and children's needs is likely to cause children & adults much stress and anxiety.

 3) COMMUNICATION ( looking beyond the obvious)

Look at these conversations as an opportunity not just to convey the facts but set the emotional tone.Try to understand beyond the obvious.

Above all, it’s important to remember that as a parent you do not need to know all the answers but you can help to contain their fears and anxieties by being there for them.



Kids are now curbed within the walls of their homes. No more running around freely, no more garden time or playing with peers in the garden. It's high time we do minimum 60 minutes of physical activities with our childrenThe brain works best when there is regular physical activity. The brain needs physical activity to stay healthy.Choose activities that can be done in the comfort of your own home


5) ROUTINE (Children thrive on structure)

 A schedule can be your family's best ally during the coronavirus lockdown

Our kids are on a very tight schedule at school and that's what they're used to. Providing a structure to their days will not only help them feel in control, but also will allow us to be productive.Social time is essential- Skype or call an elderly or sick family member together. Play a board game, or take a walk.



With our lives confined to our homes ,eating,sleeping and working patterns changed We hear a lot of stories of kids over binging during Lockdown.PLan with your child what healthy.TRy to maintain structure around eating.Be mindful of howmuch you are eating overall,not just at mealtimes but alos snacking in between meals.


7) Take them out ( Maintain social distancing rule)

The trick is to find creative ways to socialize staying afar.Get kids moving & social. Make creative  cartoon printed /pasted masks at home that will encourage them to keep it on .Emphasize to children how keeping their distance is really jst lke a favour to their friends.

A perfect subject round the year but especially during these uncertain times .. FOR OUR KIDS


 Dr. Mona Shah..

Anshu Child Development Centre





  1. This is so nice and a very helpful information. Thank you doctor for helping us know our kids much better.

  2. Wow🤩👍
    Things may never go back to NORMAL
    So adjusting to the pandemic life and accepting the NEW NORMAL is needed!
    And Dr Mona you have
    beautifully explained all the norms with an amazing'video😍
    A great help to all the therapist parents teachers.

  3. Going to be helpful to many!

  4. All the pointers are very important and necessary in today's times


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