Drooling How to target and address the cause


Drooling is a natural phenomenon in the development of any child

Babies and toddlers drool quite a bit each time they cut new tooth.
Drooling in young children is normal But excessive drooling that occurs in children bryond the cute or normal age bothers us
We might call it problamatic or troublesome drooling.

Troublesome drooling irritateas adults and other children, and it can socially isolate the child who drools.

It is an issue worth addressing.
However drooling can be managed or decreased & /or can be stopped.
There are many factors that may be contributing to drooling difficulties.
Some steps to work on....
Please check attached video..
Make it a habit to work on the drooling.

Keep it in mind it may take months to see progress.
Praise.. Praise.. Praise
& Be positive

Dr. Mona Shah


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