Challenges on the way of New Generation & Framework for Positive Youth Development
Challenges on the way of New Generation & Framework for Positive Youth Development It is easy to look at today’s generation of teenagers and say they are pampered, oversensitive, and have a sense of entitlement. In some ways that criticism is accurate, but I think it is time to pause for a reality check. If I were given a choice of being a teenager now or thirty years ago, I would take thirty years ago without a second thought During the mid-1980s, adolescent upbringing was focused largely on development and behavior, their physical growth and mannerism as per the family culture. Little attention was paid to the settings in which children lived. Today, there is too much importance on the surroundings in which a child is growing up. And developing core values has taken step behind. Adolescents are in constant pressure of proving themselves best at each stage of life. Data says youth unemployment is more than 13% today , the cost of higher ...