What is Occupational Therapy? And who can be benefited?

I know very little about Occupational Therapy. What is OT? And who can be benefited? Let us understand it on the eve of World Occupational Therapy Day. Occupational Therapy Day was first launched on 27th October 2010. And to quote they say –“ Our occupations or activities provided us with a role , routine and structure - and define who we are...” Occupational therapy provides holistic, person-centred support to those whose health and/or wellbeing prevents them from doing the daily activities that matter to them. OT patients may be dealing with a physically, developmentally, emotionally or mentally disabling condition (from strokes to attention deficit disorders). Occupational therapists use various treatments to help their patients maintain, recover or even develop their daily living and work skills, including (but not limited to) basic motor functions and even reasoning abilities. The founding of the profess...