
Showing posts from January, 2021

Can a child with Down syndrome be smart?

         Can a child with Down syndrome be smart?  THE FIRST INDIAN COUPLE TO ADOPT CHILD WITH DOWNS SYNDROME It’s no secret that people with Down syndrome are not always fully embraced by society. Even in the wealthiest, most advanced parts of the world, prejudice of this kind continues to persist, and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. But wherever there is prejudice, there are those who stand up against it, and there are multiple examples of people who have torn down barriers and broken glass ceilings for people with Down syndrome all over the world. From acting and modelling to politics and philanthropy, there are great achievers with Down syndrome who amaze us with their skills and positive outlook on life.  Down syndrome  affects 23,000-29,000 children born in India every year. Though the numbers are alarming but there is very little open dialogue on this topic in India. About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 — the person has three copi

Myths and Facts about Learning Disability

  Myths and Facts about Learning Disability Learning Disability (LD) is a syndrome found in children of normal or above intelligence, characterised by specific difficulties in learning to read (Dyslexia), to write (Dysgraphia) and to do grade appropriate mathematics (Dyscalculia). LD can also be defined as one or more significant defects in essential learning processes. Children show problem in sustaining attention, can get easily distracted and have short attention span.   Pioneering work to define the nature and causation of the concept L D is credited to William Cruickshank and Samuel Kirk in 1968 officially sanctioned the term specific L.D. Students with learning disability often experience poor auditory and/ or visual discrimination. They may show problems in directional orientation. Children will have problem s in organising, categorising, arranging and planning. LD children have difficulty in reading, comprehension, fluency and spelling, experienc ing word, letter, n

Important Life Lessons for Every Child

         Important Life Lessons for Every Child Swami Vivekananda a great social reformer and a source of great inspiration to me. His teachings are just true for everyone’s life. His birthday – 12th of January – is celebrated every year as the National Youth Day in India.   Simply said, the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda consists of eye-opening lessons on life, love and, spirituality.  The stories from the life of Swami Vivekananda inspire us and tell us about his extraordinary qualities. Talking to your children about these can help them deal with the real-world challenges with great confidence and grace.   Here are some important life lessons or teachings by Swami Vivekananda that every child must be taught. 1.      Practice honesty  – Teach children that it is important to tell the truth and face the consequences for their actions. Being honest and true to yourself and others, despite the outcome, is an important part of being a successful individual. 2.      Persist and F

New Year Resolution - Make Time for Your Kids

              New Year Resolution - Make Time for Your Kids Let us celebrate 2021 with some positivity, high hopes, and the desire to make the world a better place!   This means to set some amazing resolutions starting at home and with our family.   So choose one thing that is the MOST important to you in the coming year.   Are you hoping to get healthy?   Do you need to develop a better self-care routine?   Maybe you want to spend more time with your kids.   Research  has shown that the type of  time spent with children  is positively related to  children's  educational and cognitive outcomes.  Car pools, lunch bags, after-school activities, dinner, homework, bath time, bedtime. All of these over and above own job and the other realities of adulthood. You have just enough energy left to drag yourself to bed so you can wake early and start the same routine all over again. Each day with young kids feels like a week, each week like a month. Yet as every birthday passes, the years s